Sunday, January 15, 2012


Cold. The word in which describes my room at the moment. 
Red. The color of my feet.
Soft. The adjective that may be used to describe the skin on my hands.
Curious. The state my brain is in. 

We are all individuals. We all use different words to describe the various things in our vastly different lives. You can wish for as long as you want to be someone else, but in the end you will be none other than who you are. So instead of envying the life of someone else, instead of dreaming of the life you want, instead of pretending that you know it all... Go out and make something of yourself. Go searching so that you can know it all. Dwelling on the thoughts of things not yet accomplished is a mere waste of time. It's when you turn those thoughts to actions that you are making something of your life. If you feel like the background on a canvas, then go paint a new picture where you are the center of the masterpiece. Don't let life slip through your fingers. Make each moment count. (Cliche, but true) Be inspired, recognize the beauty that surrounds you each day, take the chance to travel. Don't be the clay, be the artist. Go find yourself. Dare to explore. 

Be an individual. 
Happy. The attitude I choose on a daily basis.
Open-Mind. Is the mind I have.
Travel. It's what I do whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Fearless. The way we should all live our lives.

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