Monday, March 12, 2012

.:3rd Hour:.

This trimester I do not have a 3rd hour. Therefore, I figure I may as well make myself useful and write while I have the time. 
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that a closed mind is a closed heart. An odd notion maybe, but quite true. I've realized that of all the people I've met, it has been the ones who were accepting and open minded that were the happiest and the kindest of the souls. Therefore it has come to be that I will strive to live with an open mind (I do believe I have done a pretty good job so far). 
Free Mind = Open Heart

And with that I am off. Off to discover more things, places, and people. 

1 comment:

  1. This, is an incredible insight that I very much love. You are very open-minded Samii, and you always makes me smile. :D
