Saturday, December 31, 2011

.:To a New Year:.

With a new year comes new goals, ideas, adventures and life lessons. 

When the clock strikes midnight, the new year will be here. The year of 2011 will be set in time and the color will be transferred to 2012. And although the years that have past are stained black and white the lessons that have been learned will never fade. Each step in time that we take is another chance to learn something new. As my new year rolls in I know I have a lot that I need to be ready to face: getting a job, preparing for my last year of high school, traveling, and of course the unknown. Like water takes the shape in accordance to the vase it's put in, we must be willing to accept change and be brave enough to take on whatever is thrown at us. If there is one thing I've learned this last year it's that you can't be afraid to live. Living in the shadows of the world, hiding from fear of rejection, and avoiding all opportunities to try something new, all these tactics are nothing more than the hopes to escape life. But what's the point of living if you don't try to experience life? We are here to learn and discover what's out there. As one of my goals this year I decided to extend myself to the world by starting a blog. So in an end to my first official post I will say Happy New Years! Look forward to much more posts to come. 

"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice, and to make an end is to make a beginning." - T.S. Elliot